





3D imaging and diagnosticsNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
13–14 May, 2019 - Helsinki
23–24 September, 2019 - Helsinki

Advanced 3D diagnosticsNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (16 CE credits)
15–17 May, 2019 - Helsinki

Digital dentistry winter schoolNordic Institute of Dental Education
Basics of 3D and CAD/CAM
CE course (26 CE

Estimated January 2020 - Helsinki

Imagerie 3D et diagnostic (in French)Nordic Institute of Dental Education
Cours CE (13 crédits CE)
On demand - Helsinki

3D in oral and maxillofacial surgeryNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
On demand - Helsinki

3D in endodonticsUIC Barcelona
CE course (1 ECTS credit)
Autumn 2019 - Barcelona

CAD/CAM 牙科椅旁普兰梅卡


Fundamentals of CAD/CAMNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
8–9 April 2019 - Helsinki

Beyond the basics of CAD/CAMNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
Spring 2020 - Helsinki

Advanced CAD/CAM - Implants from plan to scanNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
3–4 June, 2019 - Helsinki

Advanced CAD/CAM - Aesthetic
restorations with CAD/CAMNordic Institute of Dental Education

CE course (13 CE credits)
6–7 June, 2019 - Helsinki

Digital dentistry winter schoolNordic Institute of Dental Education
Basics of 3D and CAD/CAM
CE course (26 CE

Estimated January 2020 - Helsinki

CAD/CAM for dental labsNordic Institute of Dental Education
Course for dental technicians
CE course (13 CE credits)
On demand - Helsinki

Nordic Institute of Dental EducationОсновы CAD / CAM (in Russian)
CE course (13 CE credits)
Даты и место проведения:
по запросу, Хельсинки

Elements​ of SuccessPlanmeca Digital Academy
Product training
Targeted for end use​s who have purchased the Planmeca FIT c​hairside CAD/CAM solution.
Please contact your local Planmeca distributor for details.

Planmeca PlanCAD PremiumPlanmeca Digital Academy
Product training 
Targeted for end use​s who have purchased the Planmeca CAD/CAM™ Lab solution.
Please contact your local Planmeca distributor for details.

Mastering Planmeca PlanScan Planmeca Digital Academy
Digital scanner and CAD/CAM system 
Digital scanner and CAD/CAM system Clinic partner course – certified by Planmeca
Please contact:
Goh Private Limited: Tel + 65 6570 9555 (admin@goh.com.sg)
George Lee: +65 8288 2223 (george@goh.com.sg),
Seow Loo Yee: +6012 311 6530 (looyee.seow@planmeca.com)
Course description (pdf) >



Digital implant workflowNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
Autumn 2019 - Helsinki

Aesthetic dentistryNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (13 CE credits)
Autumn 2019 - Helsinki

Minimally invasive chairside restorationsNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (16 CE credits)
On demand - Turku

All about adhesionNordic Institute of Dental Education
CE course (21 CE credits)
On demand - Turku

Digital Dentistry in Russian Nordic Institute of Dental Education
(Цифровая стоматология)
CE course (13 CE credits)
по запросу - Хельсинки

